
  • Koru Mindfulness

    Koru Mindfulness is a 4-week evidence-based workshop specifically designed for teaching mindfulness, meditation, and stress management techniques.

  • Self-Compassion

    Self-Compassion is a 4-week workshop designed to help you be less critical and more compassionate towards yourself.

  • mPeak (Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge)

    mPEAK is an 8-week mindfulness training workshop designed to help you achieve your goals, both personal and professional, as well as attain new levels of performance and success.

  • Midday Movement & Meditation

    The Midday Movement & Meditation Meeting begins by leading individuals through a gentle mindful movement sequence followed by a guided meditation.

  • Love Talk, Cupid Yoga

    In the Love Talk, Cupid Yoga workshop couples are invited to celebrate their relationship, learn about the Love Languages. and practice some gentle partner yoga.